Friday 2 February 2024

ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK on the 76th anniversary of the foundation of the Korean People's Army as a regular revolutionary armed force




                    London 2nd  of February  Juche 113(2024)
 The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) andthe  Korean Friendship Association( KFA UK) issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 76h anniversary of the foundation of the regular revolutionary armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Korean People's Army on the 8th of February :

The great leader President Kim Il Sung took the momentous decision 76 years ago on the 8th of February 1948 to transform the guerrilla-based Korean People's Revolutionary Army into a regular and standing armed force the Korean People's Army.



For 76 years the KPA has stood guard over the socialist gains of People's Korea and defends the sovereignty of the DPRK. It is totally different to armies in imperialist and capitalist countries.
   The KPA is the unique Juche-based and Songun-based revolutionary armed force of the Korean people. It is an army of the people, an army of the revolution and an army of the working class and the Workers' Party of Korea.
 The great leader President Kim Il Sung, an ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander and gifted military strategist, put forward the line of building the army after the liberation of Korea and developed the Korean People's Revolutionary Army into the Korean People's Army, modern regular armed forces, performing the undying feats in the history of the building of the revolutionary armed forces.

    With the foundation of the KPA, the Korean people came to have their own independent defence force safeguarding their independence.  Under the command of the great generals of Mt Paektu, President Kim Il Sung and generalissimo Kim Jong Il the KPA traversed the road of glory and victory. In the 1950s the KPA beat back the U.S. imperialists' invasion to swallow up the DPRK in its cradle and demonstrated the dignity and honour of the DPRK and Korean people during the Fatherland Liberation War.  Throughout the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s the regular revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK defended the gains of socialism and the independence of the  DPRK, inflicting defeats on the imperialists.

Our delegations have  witnessed the incredible steel-like unity and total discipline of the Korean People's Army at the military parades of April 2012, July 2013, October 2015, April 2017 and September 2018




   Today the  KPA under the command of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is the pride of Juche Korea defending the independence and security of the country and will achieve greater victories.

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