Monday 16 October 2023

Sangmo Dance

Sangmo dance is a unique folk dance of Korea. Sangmo is a cap worn by the dancer when dancing a peasant dance. The main skill of the dance is rotating a white feather or a long strip of paper fastened on the top of the cap.
In Sangmo dance the length of the strip determines the skill and ability of the dancer. The length of the traditional strip was a dozen pal (a pal is approximately 80 centimetres). Since the 1990s its length had increased to 24 to 30 pal, reaching to the titillating 60 pal in 2018.
It is amazing to see the dancers making several big circles by swinging 60-pal-long ribbons. 

                                                        A scene of Sangmo dance

 Sangmo dance was performed in various art shows including the grand mass gymnastics and artistic performance The Glorious Motherland (2018).

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