Thursday 6 April 2023

ASSPUK, BGSJI , KFA UK and BSCPRKP support statement of DPRK Permanent Representative to UN Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva


               6th  of  April   Juche 111(2023)
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK) ,  the British Group for the Study of the  Juche Idea(BGSJI)  , the  Korean Friendship Association of the UK(KFA UK) and the British Solidarity Committee For Peace and Reunification on the Korean peninsula (BSCPRKP) issued the following joint statement in support of the statement issued by comrade- Han Tae Song, permanent representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)to the United Nations (UN)office and other international organizations in Geneva ;

On the 4th of April the UN Human Rights Council at its 52nd session adopted a so-called resolution on human rights in the DPRK . This was a great affront to the dignity of the DPRK and an infringement of its sovereignty . The resolution was peppered through with nonsense and anti-DPRK cliches . It even accused the DPRK of "social discrimination " . This is ridiculous and laughable because the US and other capitalist countries practicise social discrimination all the time 24/7 day and night . Social discrimination is an intregal part of Western capitalist societies . People's Korea is a people-centred socialist society and is one of the most egalitarian societies in the world.

In his statement comrade Han Tae Song points out that 'The delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) strongly denounces and categorically rejects the anti-DPRK "resolution on human rights" drafted by the U.S. and its following forces as an intolerable act of political provocation and hostility.' This is indeed a proper description of the so-called resolution . The DPRK is absolutely correct to reject and denounce the resolution.

The so-called resolution is most hypocritical . It is the US that needs to be censured and criticised by the UN and the international community for its apalling human rights record . The US is based on racism and violence . In the US there are many homeless people and people begging for food.It is also a country that carries surveilliance and interception of communications both on its own soil and in other countries .It is also worth pointing out that the UK,(one of the countries that backed the resolution ) has one of the highest number of CCTV cameras in the world and engages in spying its citizens.

We support the DPRK's rejection of the resolution . The UN Human Rights Council resolution on human rights in the DPRK is simly a regime change tool aimed at overthrowing the socialist system of the DPRK !



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