Wednesday 2 November 2022

ASSPUK, BGSJI , KFA UK and BSCPRKP denounce Operation Vigilant Storm and support statement of Comrade Pak Jong Chon WPK CC Secretary




    2nd  of November  Juche 111 (2022)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea(BGSJI), the Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK )  ,and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification in Korea (BSCPRKP) issued a joint statement supporting the press statement of  comrade Pak Jong Chon, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea ;

 On the 1st of November comrade Pak Jong Chon secretary of the Central Committee(CC) of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK ) made a press statement with regard to the steadily worsening situation on the Korean peninsula owing to the anti-DPRK moves of the US imperialists and south Korean fascist puppet reactionaries .

The US imperialists and south Korean fascist puppets are staging the Vigiliant Storm war exercises against People's Korea , which had previously been suspended under former south Korean puppet administration of Moon Jae In . Vigilant Storm actually involves 240 planes including 100 US planes which include F-35A stealth fighters, F-15K jets and KF-16 jets.  Even  Australia, a reactionary vassal state of the US , is involved as it has sent a  KC-30A  tanker aircraft to assist the US imperialists and south Korean puppets in refueling . The involvement of Australia adds  another dimension to the exercise  showing that other countries are being dragged into the threats and provocations against People's Korea by US imperialism and the south Korean puppets .

 In his statement comrade Pak Jong Chon  points out that Vigilant Storm  is an "aggressive and provocative military drill targeting the DPRK " and correctly draws attention to the fact that the exercise , Vigilant Storm , has been named after Operation Desert Storm which was the code-name of the US invasion of Iraq in 1991 . Moreover recently the US Defence Dept adopted DPRK's regime as a major target of its nuclear strategy  and blustered that the DPRK would be destroyed  if it used nukes . Of course these remarks apart from being bellicose are extremely ill-judged .

  Comrade Pak Jong Chon warns the US and south Korea that "If the U.S. and south Korea attempt to use armed forces against the DPRK without any fear, the special means of the DPRK's armed forces will carry out their strategic mission without delay and the U.S. and south Korea will have to face a terrible case and pay the most horrible price in history" .

Our organisations strongly denounce the holding of Operation Vigilant Storm and call for it to be ended . It is a serious provocation as well as genocidal war exercise aimed at bombing innocent civilians in the DPRK and overthrowing the socialist system of the DPRK .

Moreover we support the warning issued by comrade Pak Jong Chon . The US and south Korea (and the Australian reactionaries ) will be responsible for any situation that results from their aggressive actions .







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