Monday 26 September 2022

Kim Jong Un’ Outlook on the People

It can be said that one’s viewpoint and attitude towards the people defines the objective and direction of his or her politics.

Taking this into consideration, Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, enjoys the ardent love and trust of the people.

Then, what is the source of these love and trust?

The answer can be found in his boundless love for the people.

The more difficult and challenging the times are, the closer we should go to the people–this is his outlook on the people.

At the Third Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK, he said that the WPK’s sacred ideal of regarding the people as heaven is the guiding principle of practice and standard of action which requires the Party to take full responsibility of the people’s life and serve them unconditionally by putting heart and soul into it, and that the harder the times are, the deeper the Party should go among them and support them as a reliable pillar, and the more devotedly it should work for their wellbeing, sharing weal and woe with them.

In August 2020, heavy rains severely hit Taechong-ri, Unpha County, North Hwanghae Province, submerging or damaging many houses and rice fields.

On receiving a report on this, Kim Jong Un personally drove to the site.

He took immediate measures for providing foods, bedding, daily necessities and medicines to the disaster victims and supplying cement and other building materials for the rehabilitation of the region. At that time some officials suggested rebuilding 400 houses out of the 800 damaged houses and repairing the remaining 400, but he rejected their suggestion and said that all of the 800 houses should be rebuilt.  

Then he stressed to the officials that they should inquire into what type of house the farmers preferred–a block with two houses or a separate house–and have their opinions fully reflected on the designs of the houses.

Several days later, the 16thMeeting of the Political Bureau of the Seventh WPK Central Committee was held.

At the meeting, Kim Jong Un saidafter briefing on the damage: The flood victims must be suffering a great deal as they are living in makeshift shelters after losing their houses and properties; in such times it is none other than our Party that should take full responsibility for them and go closer to them to share their hardship and relieve them of it.

Upholding his intention, the officials of the Central Committee of the WPK went to the flood-stricken areas and waged the rehabilitation campaign, sharing weal and woe with the victims.

A personage of a Southeast Asian country highly praised Kim Jong Un saying that the DPRK leader investigated flood damage in detail on the spot and issued an order to supply the victims with the reserve food grains and strategic materials for the President of the State Affairs and that he is the genuine people’s leader who spares nothing for them.

Kim Jong Un visited the State Emergency Epidemic Prevention Headquarters shortly after an unexpected public health crisis arose in the DPRK in May this year. Saying that our people including the elders and children might be nervous now, in particular, parents who have young children must feel more frightened and they are more fearful of their children being infected than they themselves falling victims, he said it was very important to give people confidence that they could surely win in the fight against virulent disease.

On May 15, he visited pharmacies in Pyongyang immediately after a consultative meeting of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee. The visit was very dangerous because the saleswomen of the pharmacies had just been cured of the disease. 

He closely inquired into how medicines were supplied and stored, whether pharmacies were open round the clock, and what kinds of medicine the visitors wanted most and how much their prices were. Then he told the officials to correct the vulnerable points in the medicine supply system and take strong measures for transporting medicines.

Go closer to the people–this is the noble outlook on the people of Kim Jong Un who loves them most and finds the worth of working for revolution in devoted service for them.

It is quite natural that the people should ardently love, absolutely trust and follow such a great leader.

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