Saturday 20 August 2022

Resolution condemning south Korea over Covid 19 infiltration


20.08 .2022 

This online meeting condemns  the south Korean puppet regime and the so-called ‘defectors ‘ (traitors to the Juche motherland )  for the crime of deliberately spreading Covid 19 into the DPRK causing a total of 74 deaths as well as economic damage to the DPRK .

This is an extremely severe crime  , a crime against humanity by the south Korean puppets  who are aided and abetted by the US imperialists. It is a repeat of the US biological warfare against the DPRK in the 1950s  . The aim of the south Korean puppets in sending Covid 19 into the DPRK was to create an atmosphere of unrest and apprehension and bring about the overthrow of the socialist system , basically regime change .

We call for those responsible for the crime to be brought to justice.


KFA Greece

British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea 

Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

Juche Idea Study Group of Greece

KFA Italy 

KFA Peru

KFA Turkey 

KFA Spain

KFA Switzerland 


Juche Idea Study Group USA

Association for the Study of Songun Politics of America

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