Friday 19 August 2022

People's Korea is right to reject south Korean 'aid' -ASSPUK, BGSJI , KFA UK and BSCPRKP



  19th of August  Juche 111(2022)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, theKorean Friendship Association  of  the UK  (KFA UK  )  ,and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification in Korea (BSCPRK) issued a statement in support of the statement made by comrade Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the WPK   regarding the so-called 'offer of aid ' to the DPRK by the south Korean puppets ;

Recently , the boss of the south Korean fascist puppet regime , Yoon, talked very big about a so-called 'audacious plan ' to 'denuclearise ' the DPRK . In her statement  ,titled "Don't have an absurd dream",comrade Kim Yo Jong exposes the falsity of the 'offer 'and castigates it . As comrade Kim Yo Jong pointed out  "This time, Yoon focused on clamoring about "a course of building a free country by fighting against communist forces" and "defending the free world by facing against communist invasion" and inciting confrontation between systems...Although I'm sorry to say this, dogs will always bark, as a pup or an adult, and the same goes for the one with the title of "president"

Basically , Yoon , is a dyed in the wool fascist puppet and ultra conservative . The so-called 'plan ' and 'offer of aid ' are nothing new at all but a rehash of the "denuclearization, opening and 3 000" proposed by the then fascist puppet Lee Myung Bak  over 10 years ago , which is turn was a replica of earlier policies of  pro -US fascist puppet regimes .

Comrade Kim Yo Jong is absolutely right when she says:" No one barters its destiny for corn cake.

Bitter contempt is what we will only show those spinning a pipedream to succeed in making us abandon our nukes if they pay more stakes."

The statement of comrade Kim Yo Jong shows that the DPRK is not fooled by the mouthings of the south Korean puppets  . "Denuclearisation " of the DPRK would mean unilateral disarmament and the overthrow of the socialist system and the DPRK being colonised by US imperialism . This shows that the DPRK is maintaining independent and revolutionary principles .

People's Korea does not need the so-called 'aid ' of the south Korean puppets , it is building socialism in the spirit of self-reliance and Juche  .

We applaud the DPRK for rejecting the so-called 'aid ' of south Korea and for maintaing a robust and resolute stance towards south Korea .

Lets Defend People's Korea with No Ifs or Buts  !





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