Friday 19 August 2022

ASSPUK , BGSJI , KFA UK and BSCPRKP denounce south Korean puppets and 'defectors ' for the crime of spreading Covid 19 into People's Korea




  19th of August  Juche 111(2022)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, theKorean Friendship Association  of  the UK  KFA UK  )  ,and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification in Korea (BSCPRKP)issued the following joint statement denouncing the crime against humanity committeed by the south Korean fascist puppets  and the so-called 'defectors '.

 As revealed by the report of theState Emergency Epidemic Prevention Headquarters in the DPRK on June 30th , the cause of the outbreak of Covid 19  in the DPRK which claimed 74 lives and caused damage to the economy was the the  inroad of the disease into the DPRK from south Korea . Later comrade Kim Yo Jong vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea  pointed that " Now that many countries in the world are taking more effective anti-epidemic measures, realizing once again the danger of the spread of the malignant pandemic disease through contact with the objects infected with the malicious virus, it is a matter of grave concern that the disgusting ones in south Korea stage a farce of scattering leaflets, bank notes, awful booklets and things over our territory.'

The facts are that the Covid 19 outbreak started in late April and was found to have originated in Kangwon province more specifically Ipho-ri of Kumgang county which is near to the Military Demarcation Line which separates the DPRK from south Korea . It cannot be a coincidence that the outbreak originated in an area that is so close to south Korea .

On the 25th of April and 26th April  so-called ‘defectors ‘ from the DPRK , traitors to the Juche motherland  , in south Korea launched 20 balloons into the DPRK across the Demilitarised Zone . It now appears that these balloons carried objects infected with Covid 19 .

It is a logical conclusion that the outbreak of Covid 19 in the DPRK was deliberately caused by south Korea and probably the US. The DPRK had taken the most stringent counter-measures against Covid 19 such as closing the border . It was impossible for Covid 19 to get into the DPRK unless someone gave it a helping hand .

We should always ask Cui Bono ? Who stands to gain ? Moreover when any crime is committed we always look at who had a motive . In this case it is the enemies of the DPRK  such as the US , south Korea and the vile defectors who hate the DPRK so much and want to do harm to it .  They saw an outbreak of Covid 19 as a golden opportunity to incite regime change in the DPRK and overthrow the socialist system  . They calculated that at the very least the DPRK would be forced to accept the fake humanitarian aid of US imperialism and world imperialism and to ‘open up ‘ and ‘reform ‘ , thus gradually destroying the socialist system . In their wildest dreams the imperialists and south Korean puppets hoped that millions would die in the DPRK and that chaos and disorder would break out , Of course , thanks to the measures taken by the DPRK government  this did not happen .

The release of the Covid 19 infected balloons by the ‘defectors ‘ was deliberately timed to coincide with large scale celebrations in the DPRK which would see large crowds and also movement of people between cities etc which would create conditions for the spread of the illness .

Some have tried to claim that the infection came into the DPRK via China . This is false . Firstly , the small amount of goods coming in from China was disinfected on both sides of the border  and quarantined when coming into the DPRK . Secondly , the infection rate for Covid 19 in China is very low, only 225,675 cases out of a population of 1.4 billion . However it is a different story for south Korea where 18 million people out of a population of 51 million are infected with Covid 19 , so about 36 per cent of the population  is infected with Covid 19 compared to less than 1 percent of the Chinese population .Therefore on the statistical balance of probabilities , the Covid 19 outbreak in the DPRK is likely to have originated in south Korea rather than China.

The deliberate spreading of Covid 19 into the DPRK constitutes a criminal act by the south Korean puppets , the so-called 'defectors ' and the US imperialists . It is a repeat of the biological warfare of the US imperialists against the DPRK in the 1950s.

We strongly denounce this crime against humanity and call for the MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT of those responsible  !





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