Thursday 15 July 2021

Iron -Willed Brilliant Marshal of Juche leading the DPRK through storms-by Dr Dermot Hudson


On the 17th of July 2012 respected comrade KIM JONG UN was awarded the title of Marshal by a decision of the Political Bureau of the Workers ‘ Party of Korea . This was an important event because it was more than a title or honorific designation ; it affirmed the position of Marshal KIM JONG UN as the head of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK , reflecting the people’s absolute support for and  trust and confidence in respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  .

   Since becoming Marshal of the DPRK respected Marshal KIM JONG UN has led the work of building up and consolidating the revolutionary armed forces of Juche . This has not been done in ideal conditions but in the face of intense hostility   from the United States plus its vassal states as well as the south Korean puppets and Japan  ,They imposed sanction after sanction on People’s Korea . Worse the US and south Korea carried out aggressive and provocative war exercises in south Korea , sometimes  one after the other , bringing the situation very close to war , in fact nuclear war . During the past nine years the DPRK has had to face natural disasters in several years .

   Nevertheless the DPRK crossed the nuclear finishing line to become a socialist power of Juche after carrying out 4 nuclear tests between 2012 and 2017 including the test of a Hydrogen bomb . At the same time the DPRK joined the small club of nations that possess Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), even Britain does not have ICBMs because the government cancelled the Blue Streak programme in the early 1970s so the DPRK is actually ahead of Britain in that respect . 

  Under the leadership and command of respected Marshal  KIM JONG UN the Korean People’s Army and Korean people thwarted the moves of the US imperialists and south Korean puppets to provoke war and stifle People’s Korea by force . When the situation was tense in 2013 , 2015 and 2017 respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  employed adroit commanding art and military tactics which pushed back the aggression of the US imperialists and their south Korean puppets and defended the independence of the Juche motherland .It was thanks to respected Marshal KIM JONG UN that the danger of war was averted and the DPRK was able to enter into negotiations with the US as a equal partner .

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is not only a brilliant commander but he is a people’s leader , a people’s Marshal . He has always visited ordinary soldiers in their units, even those units on the frontline or that were difficult to reach .

  When floods and typhoons  hit the DPRK in August 2020 , Marshal KIM JONG UN was first on the scene and gave instructions that those homes destroyed by the natural disaster should be rebuilt as quickly as possible and better than before .

  Thus the past nine years have been years of victory . Under the leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN the revolutionary armed forces of Juche Korea and the Korean people will achieve greater victories in the future .

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Chairman Korean Friendship Association of UK

President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK.

Chairman British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula .


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