Wednesday 30 June 2021

What is answer?


Japans ambition for seizure of Dok islet is insatiable.

A few days ago, the Japanese "Self-Defense Forces" made a video edited with English and French and Japanese which shows its ambition to seize Dok islet.

In the latest days, Japan pushes ahead the plan to seize Dok islet in secrecy and galvanizes international opinion after building up public opinion in Japan.

The Japanese authorities marked Dok islet as Takeshima on its Olympic homepage, taking advantage of Olympic Games. It made uniforms of Japanese players with pattern of the flag of rising sun shedding rays. Even the Japanese "Self-Defense Forces" asserts dominium over Dok islet.

However, the south Korean authorities are busy with defensive attitude insisting safe and future-oriented development with Japan.

This is intolerable criminal act as it is swimming against the public sentiment against Japan.

Strong counteraction against Japan is answer. 



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