Wednesday 20 November 2019

The DPRK can live without the US-special article by Dr Dermot Hudson

The DPRK has said that it is no longer interested in any more useless and meaningless talks with the US . We say good on the DPRK for seeing through the tricks of the US . Guided by Juche and self-reliance and the intelligent leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN, the DPRK maintains high vigilance against the deception of the US ,unlike some countries in the past which entertained certain illusions about the US .

Needless there has a lot of baloney and nonsense in the imperialist and corporate controlled mass media about this . Some very stupid imperialist commentators have expressed surprise saying that for decades DPRK leaders were desperate for a summit meeting with the US . This is just nonsense .Whilst the DPRK aims to establish good relations with those countries that respect its social system , it does not beg anyone for summits or diplomatic relations . In fact the great leader  President KIM IL SUNG actually wrote the work " Let Us Intensify Anti-US,Anti-Imperialist Struggle " in 1967 . He also wrote that "US imperialism is, indeed, the most heinous and shameless plunderer known to history. It is the US imperialists themselves who are causing peoples all over the world calling for peace, independence and progress, to unite in a common front against US imperialism.". Not the sort of thing that someone who was keen to get a free invite to Washington would write .
    When our delegation visited the DPRK in October a high level official of the Korean Association of Social Scientists just laughed at the idea of McDonald's being opened in Pyongyang and the DPRK joining the IMF . The plan and simple truth is that the DPRK does not summits with the US ,it has existed for over 70 years without diplomatic relations with the US and existed for decades with holding a summit with the US. The DPRK does not need the US .It does not need a single grain of rice or a single hamburger or single bottle of coca cola !from the US  Even if no more summits are held with the US , the citizens of the DPRK will still wake up in the mornings and go to work . Guided by self-reliance the DPRK can stand forever !
It was actually the US that begged the DPRK for a summit . When Donald Trump was going on about 'fire and fury' , US diplomats were actually pleading the DPRK for talks . The US was and is scared of the DPRK's ICBMs.
 The DPRK decided to hold the summit with the US in order to defuse tension and prevent a world war . The DPRK is a peace loving socialist country , there are no groups or entities in the DPRK who would benefit from war. Moreover the DPRK is a responsible power . Also in April 2018 the DPRK decided to concentrate on economic construction and to create a peaceful environment around the Korean peninsula in order to facilitate this.
The DPRK does not seek a one sided relationship with the US but instead aims for the complete and irreversible revocation of the anti-DPRK hostile policy - sanctions , human rights campaign , military exercises , the lot . If the US ends the hostile policy well and good , good for peace on the Korean peninsula and the world but if it does not then no summit , no talks , end of story . The DPRK can live well and prosper without the US!
Dr Dermot Hudson
Chairman Juche Idea Study Group of England
Official Delegate Korean Friendship Association and Chairman UK KFA
President of the Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

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