Thursday 27 June 2019


by Shaun Pickford

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the demise of President Kim IL Sung is upon us, for both the Korean people and for Progressive Humanity July 8th will become a day of reflections and commemoration of the Great Life of the Esteemed Leader Kim IL Sung. Even though 25 years have gone since the passing away of President Kim IL Sung it is still painful to recall this tragic event. The reasons why people from around the world recall with deep emotion the revolutionary activities of President Kim IL Sung is the fact that the Great Leader devoted his life to the independence and well-being of the popular masses. President Kim IL Sung is remembered as the author of the Juche Idea, an ideology which is suited to the independent requirements of the age. The Juche Idea is the first philosophy in history to place man, the social being, into the centre of attention, indeed Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the supreme embodiment of the triumph of humanism.

Kim IL Sung led the national liberation struggle during the 1920s to the 1940s against Japanese Imperialism with herculean determination. Within a period of 14 years, the DPRK was able to industrialize, with was nothing short of a miracle. President Kim IL Sung created the party. the army and the state of Socialist Korea, which ensured that the DPRK would become a self-reliant independent nation. History has recorded Kim IL Sung as the Revolutionary Commander who defeated Japanese and US Imperialisms, that a small country could overcome aggression and invasion by colonial powers due to the fact that it was led by a Great Leader came to be seen as an example for all those fighting for national and social liberation. The method devised by President Kim IL Sung for the building of socialism in Korea was the most unique one, that is by the methodology of the Three Revolutions, ideological, technical and cultural.  President Kim IL Sung secured the continuity and development of the Korean Revolution by appointing Chairman Kim Jong IL as his successor in February 1974, Kim Jong IL loyally carried on the Juche Cause of Kim IL Sung and Kimilsungize the entire society in the DPRK. President Kim IL Sung prized the goal of the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea, many proposals for Korean reunification were put forward by the DPRK President since the division of Korea was imposed upon it by outside forces, Kim IL Sung held the view that the issue of Korean reunification could only be decided by the Korean people themselves, whether they be in the north, in the south or overseas.

In June 1994, I made one of my first journeys to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. I was in the DPRK for a Juche Idea Study course run by the Korean Association of Social Scientists and KASS accommodated me in the Mangyongdae area of Pyongyang during my stay.  I was able to witness a society with an unparalleled amount of equality and social justice, where everyone was conscious of being the masters of society. The DPRK is a country without unemployment, with free education (up to university level), free health care and most importantly where there is social housing free of charge. While viewing the Korean Central Television News Broadcasts in the comfort of my accommodation in Pyongyang, I saw continually President Kim IL Sung have meetings with various foreign dignitaries, including Ludo Martens of the PTB (The Workers' Party of Belgium). Just a week before I had arrived in the DPRK tensions on the Korean peninsula had been building up to fever pitch over the so-called nuclear issue, with war being a likely option. This situation was averted by the diplomatic skill of President Kim IL Sung and former US President Jimmy Carter was invited to Pyongyang for talks with the DPRK President. Actually, the experienced US politician Jimmy Carter on his impressions of having an audience with President Kim IL |Sung in June 1994, reflected that Kim IL Sung was greater than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abram Lincoln put together, who were the founding fathers of the United States of America. Kim IL Sung as a political leader who would impress both friends and foes of the DPRK with his magnanimous personality, charisma and outstanding leadership qualities. So when I arrived back to the UK with fond and fresh memories of my stay in that magical land of Morning Claim (the DPRK) I heard to my utter horror and dismay the news of the sudden demise of President Kim IL Sung on the ITN TV News bulletin.  July 8th, 1994 was a truly shocking and tragic day, when the world learnt of the unexpected passing away of President Kim IL Sung. I recall at the time sending many messages of sympathy to Pyongyang and organizing books of condolences, I was indeed in a state of trauma over this most distressing event. In London, there was a seminar held by the Juche Idea Study Group of Britain on the life and work of President Kim IL Sung, on September 10th, 1994, in which I made a contribution to the proceedings of the meeting.  At the September 1994 Commemorative Meeting, we had many progressive people, activists from the labour movement and anti-imperialists in attendance, including Members of Parliament.

It had been my fervent desire to pay my respects to the Great Leader President Kim IL Sung in the Kumsusan Palace of The Sun. The Kumsusan Palace of The Sun was built in the Kumsusan area of Pyongyang in accordance with the unanimous will of the Korean people to uphold President Kim IL Sung for eternity. The project to transform the Kumsusan Assembly Hall into the most sacred sanctuary of Juche was taken at the initiative of Kim Jong IL in early 1995. The Kumsusan Palace of The Sun was declared opened on July 8th, 1995 on the first anniversary of the passing away of Kim IL Sung. At the direction of Kim Jong Un, the Kumsusan Palace of The Sun was renovated into the holiest shine befitting the Great President and the Great Chairman in the winter and spring of 2012. When I had been in the DPRK on previous visits that I wanted to visit the Palace of the Sun, but I had told by my guides, that it was not possible to go to the Kumsusan Palace of The Sun at the time in question, at which I was really disappointed. I had my wish finally fulfilled on two occasions, in April 2017 and in September 2018 to pay my sincere reverence to Kim IL Sung and Kim Jong IL at the Kumsusan Palace of The Sun.  Entering the halls of the palace where the Great Leader President Kim IL Sung and the Great Leader General Secretary Kim Jong IL is laid to rest, was a truly profoundly moving experience for me. Overcome with strong emotions, I had made several deep bows in front of the Greatest Leaders of all times, with tears flowing in my eyes. I saw while in the Palace Of The Sun many exhibitions on the revolutionary feats of Kim IL Sung and Kim Jong IL, such as the trains and the boats used by the Great Leaders when providing On The Spot Guidance to various locations throughout the DPRK.

During the closing segment of the military and civilian parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea on the Kim IL Sung Square in Pyongyang, I was able to have seen in close proximity the DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un waving at the cheering crowds from the reviewing stand. The smile of Kim Jong Un was so magnetic, as the DPRK Supreme Leader waved at the crowds. it was like the bright sun bringing life to the solar system. Having witnessed Kim Jong Un nearby to where I was standing with the other delegation members (from the UK KFA/Juche Idea Study Group of Britain), I was reminded that Marshal Kim Jong Un was like President Kim IL Sung and Chairman Kim Jong IL in every aspect. I know that the revolutionary legacy of Kim IL Sung is being carried forward most faithfully by Kim Jong Un in all fields of party and state activities. Kim Jong Un has turned the DPRK into a powerful and prosperous socialist state, which is highly regarded on the international stage. Although President Kim IL Sung passed away twenty-five years ago, the Great Leader's cause is more alive and victorious than ever before. The Kimilsungist ideology of human independence and liberation, the Juche Idea has furthered its appeal to the progressive peoples of every continent because of its perceptive relevance to the challenges of the 21st century. In the subsequent years since July 1994, the Korean people have turned their overwhelming sorrow and grief into a steel-like ideological and political strength, in which the single-hearted unity of the Leader, the Party and People have overcome every single trial and built on the land of Korea the dignified people-orientated country centred on the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism. With the passing of the years and decades, the name and exploits of the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG will shine ever brighter throughout the chronicles of human endeavour.





(Shaun Pickford is currently Secretary-General of the Juche Idea Study Group of Britain and Secretary of the Staffordshire Branch of the UK Korean Friendship Association. Shaun Pickford has been to the DPRK eight times in total and participated in Juche Study Courses while in Pyongyang).

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