Saturday 30 March 2019

On the 37th anniversary of the publication of "ON THE JUCHE IDEA "


  31st of March Juche 108(2019)
On the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the publication of "ON THE JUCHE IDEA" by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il, the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE)and the Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the  British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula(BSCPRKP) jointly issued the following statement:
This work of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il fully systematised and carried to a new higher level, the immortal Juche idea authored by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung , the eternal president of the DPRK. President Kim Il Sung had  first elaborated the Juche idea and the independent stand of the Korean revolution in the work  "Path of the Korean Revolution", " which  was delivered to the historic Kalun meeting in 1930. He wrote a number of works on the Juche idea/
Leader Kim Jong Il in his thesis "ON THE JUCHE IDEA" looked at the Juche idea in its entirety . In the work he examined the application of the Juche idea to philosophy and historiography as well the application of the Juche idea in practical fields. In this work for the first time in the history of philosophy leader comrade Kim Jong Il defined the nature and essence of man. He said that man is a being , with independence,creativity and consciousness. These three factors form an integral whole. He taught that Juche proves that man is the master of the world, he said
"The Juche idea shows a new viewpoint and attitude to the world, on the basis of man′s position and role as master of the world.

The viewpoint and attitude to the world shown by the Juche idea are those with which the world is approached by focusing on man, the master of the world.

Taking a man-centred attitude towards the world means approaching the world from the viewpoint of interests of man, the master of the world."

This work demonstrates the true philosophical genius of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il .
The work "ON THE JUCHE IDEA " brilliantly expounded the superiority of the Juche idea. It showed have it overcame limitations of preceding theories such as determinism and over-emphasis on material and economic factors. At the same time it soundly crushed revisionist and opportunist theories which preached giving up revolution and weakened (and eventually frustrated) the building of socialism.
The work "ON THE JUCHE IDEA " shines brightly as a brilliant manifesto for total human liberation in all fields. It gives correct answers for those building socialism, correct answers for those overcoming imperialist oppression building new independent societies , correct answers for those struggling for independence against imperialism and correct answers for those fighting against capitalist oppression and exploitation.
ON THE JUCHE IDEA is a a work that should be studied by all progressives, anti-imperialists,anti-capitalists ,socialists and communists as well serious students of philosophy.

Our organisations  call for a deeper study of this work and its wide promotion


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