Friday 1 June 2018

KCNA Commentary Decries U.S. State Department's "Religious Freedom Report

Pyongyang, June 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. State Department again faulted the DPRK in "2017 International Religious Freedom Report" on May 29.

Enumerating "persecution" of religion and "arrest and detention" of believers in the DPRK, the report tried to make the "data" sound plausible.

Explicitly speaking, the U.S. rhetoric about "religious freedom" is aimed to destabilize sovereign states and create pretexts for invasion and intervention for regime change.

The U.S. speaks volumes about "religious freedom" but historical facts about religious persecution and abuses in the country prove it is not entitled to say anything about it.

To meet its interests, it branded Islam, one of three religions in the world, as a bellicose one, openly claiming that the only way of eliminating it is to "reform the entire Islamic forces and lead them to Western democracy".

As a result, the Mid-east has turned into a region troubled by daily occurrences of disputes among countries, nations, ethnic groups and religious factions.

Rampant are such bullying acts of burning holy Koran or throwing it into toilet and committing violence against women Muslims which add to the religious abuses committed by the U.S. worldwide.

The U.S. has shaken off its mask of "religious freedom" in Korea, recording hideous crimes related to religion in Korea.

During the Korean war, the U.S. massacred lots of believers, through indiscriminate bombing and slaughter, and destroyed more than 1 900 churches and related facilities in the DPRK.

The "missionary" work the U.S. practiced on this land was just imbuing people with sycophancy toward America and the American way of life, and egging die-hard reactionary elements into acts against the party, state and social system.

As shown, the annual presentation of reports is just aimed to tarnish the international image of the DPRK and justify its hostile policy toward the latter.

Such motivation-driven acts, guided by old perspective, in disregard of the true picture in the DPRK where the people's beautiful dream and ideal are brought into a reality by dint of the single-hearted unity among the leader, the party and the masses, would not bring any proper solution to any problem.

The U.S. has to think from a new strategic angle, away from such a foolish farce to mar the image of the dignified DPRK under the deceptive signboards of "human rights protection" and "religious freedom". -0-

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