Tuesday 17 April 2018

More Lies from the BBC Rejected and exposed !

     http://www.uk-songun.com/index.php email juche007@yahoo.co.uk


  London 17th of April Juche 107(2018)          
   The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE) ,the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula (BSCPRKP issued a commentary totally denouncing and rejecting the horrendous anti-DPRK BBC Panorama programme that was full of inaccuracies and lies .

On the 16th of April 2018  , the BBC Panorama broadcast  a programme with the title  "North Korea's secret slave gangs". This is an incredible title and one that in itself  is insulting and offensive to the DPRK and its social system. The DPRK is a people-centred socialist state in which exploitation and oppression have been abolished. The BBC is the British state broadcaster that is funded through involuntary and compulsory taxation .
  We would make the following comments:

Firstly , in fact the UNSC Sanctions that were imposed last year ban DPRK citizens from working abroad . So the programme was basically harping on about an old story .In fact the programme was basically rehashing an earlier programme that was made 2 years ago.
Secondly, we are told by the likes of the British Brainwashing Corporation and others that "north Koreans cannot leave the country " and that " north Koreans are not allowed to travel abroad " , yet this programme apparently showed lots of DPRK citizens working outside of the country . The BBC cannot have it both ways: either no one is allowed to leave the country or there are lots of DPRK citizens working abroad.
Thirdly, the programme falsely alleged that DPRK workers abroad pay most of their earnings in taxes. However in fact taxation was abolished in the DPRK with effect from the 1st of April 1974 . It also referrred to money being paid in Party dues. Of course only members of the Workers' Party of Korea would be obligated to pay party dues. The BBC and the Western mainstream media allege that Party members are an elite in the DPRK , so what are they doing working as "slaves " abroad. Yet another inconsistency and contradiction of the BBC.
Fourthly, in the DPRK people receive free housing , free healthcare , free education and enjoy full employment so there is no desperate poverty and no one is forced to work abroad to send money back etc . Some DPRK citizens work abroad as part of economic co-operation agreements with foreign countries . They are covered by DPRK labour legalisation such as the Socialist Labour Law that ws enacted in  1978 and provides DPRK workers with independent and creative lives free from exploitation and oppression. The numbers working abroad  are actually a very small percentage of the DPRK population and workforce . The figure given by the programme for those working abroad in the DPRK is probably inflated and exaggerated but even it is accurate it is 0.4 per cent of the population and about aproximately 0.7 per cent of the workforce.
Fifth , All of the Koreans who made critical comments in the programme were not shown on camera, so it is impossible to authenticate their stories.
Finally, the programme wheeled out the likes of the whisky sodden traitor who used to be at the DPRK Embassy in London and Professor Remco Breuker of the University of Leiden in Holland . As to little piece of shit who used to be a DPRK diplomat in London he was accused of very serious crimes by the DPRK such as stealing a capital sum of money , selling state secrets and espionage and the rape of a minor . This vile and despicable individual also spied on the UK Korean Friendship Association , Juche Idea Study and Assocation for the Study of Songun Politics UK  and was passing details to the British and American intelligence services as well as south Korea . It is believed that he was an agent of Western intelligence services for many years . With regard to  Professor Breuker works at the University of Leiden a notorious anti-DPRK centre associated with the CIA and south Korean NIS and Western intelligence servicse. Prof Breuker is a typical anti-communist bourgeois overpaid  academic.Others included in the programme where an official of the former south Korean puppet regime  and a researcher from the Royal United Service Institute , a body that is linked to the British imperialist armed forces and intelligence services MI5 and MI6 .
This programme has been deliberately produced by the BBC try and deliberately tarnish the DPRK 's reputation at a time when it is rising !

  The British peiple must reject the lies of the BBC ! 

1 comment:

  1. This is awful! How dare my government spread more lies to us, British people?
