Thursday 5 April 2018

ASSPUK, JISGE, UK KFA and BSCPRKP support CPRC Memorandum

  London 6th of April Juche 107(2018)          
   The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE) ,the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula (BSCPRKP)issued the following joint statement in support of the Memorandum of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country of the DPRK on the exploits of the great leaders comrades KIM IL SUNG, KIM JONG IL and KIM JONG UN for great national unity .
  Today is the 25th anniversary of the publication of the work "10-Point Programme of the Great Unity of the Whole Nation for the Reunification of the Country" by the great leader comrade
KIM IL SUNG .This work put forward the line of Juche-based,independent reunification without the interference of any foreign forces in Korea. From the first days of Korea's division the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG worked hard for reunification and strived to unite the patriotic forces of the Korean nation to oppose division and support great national unity.
   The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL worked day and night to put the Juche-based ideas on national reunification of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG into effect . Comrade
KIM JONG IL achieved a great breakthrough in the struggle for national reunification by holding the first ever inter-Korean summit, the June 15 summit and having the June 15 joint declaration adopted heralding the June 15 era of inter-Korean co-operation .
   Dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is carrying forward the noble ideas of the great leaders comrade KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL on Juche-based independent reunification . It is thanks to dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  that the situation on the Korean peninsula is now developing towards peace , reconciliation , co-operation and eventual reunification based on independence .
   Korea will be reunified under the leadership of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN !

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