Tuesday 20 March 2018

KCNA Blasts Dishonest Forces' Distortion of Truth

Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency issued a commentary titled "Truth Must Not Be Distorted with Sheer Sophism" on Tuesday.

The commentary noted that thanks to the proactive measure and peace-loving proposal made by the DPRK, dramatic atmosphere for reconciliation has been created in relations between the north and the south of Korea and there has been a sign of change also in the DPRK-U.S. relations.

At this time, the dishonest forces in the U.S. and Japan and the conservative group of south Korea are peddling groundless stories distorting the truth in a bid to mislead public opinion, the commentary said, citing facts.

It went on:

Incumbent and former officials and experts of the U.S. have become vocal, claiming that "north Korea took a change-about attitude even though the U.S. did not make any concession", "Trump's high-intensity sanctions and pressure strategy proves effective" and "it is a sign that north Korea has reached a limit beyond which it can no longer sustain itself", in an attempt to meet their own interests.

The Abe group, which is left alone as a result of the unexpected sudden change in the situation of the Korean peninsula, claims that "north Korea's dialogue and peace offensive is a result of the sustained pressure put by the international community" and "hasty dialogue would mean being taken in by north Korea's strategy of gaining time" and that "sanctions should never be slackened under any circumstances".

In the meantime, the conservatives of south Korea including the "Liberal Korea Party", conservative media and self-professed experts are reeling off invective that "it is a trite method for the north to opt for dialogue whenever it finds itself in a fix", "it is camouflaged peace offensive" and "it is aimed to make a crack in south Korea-U.S. alliance and to seek lift of sanctions".

The great change in the north-south relations is not an accidental one but a noble fruition made thanks to the DPRK's proactive measure, warm compatriotism and will for defending peace. Such an event as today could be possible as the DPRK's dignity has remarkably risen and it has strong might.

Such rubbish as "result of sanctions and pressure" and sort of "limit" spread by the hostile forces is just as meaningless as a dog barking at the moon.

The economy of the DPRK is rising, not sitting down as claimed by the riff-raffs, and is being put on a Juche and modern basis. Sci-tech achievements and models have been created in different parts of the country, promising the bright future for the improvement of the people's living standard.

It is by no means accidental that the public at home and abroad are unanimously commenting that the dialogue peace offensive of the DPRK is an expression of self-confidence as it has acquired everything it desires.

It is really an expression of small-mindedness for the riff-raffs to spoil the atmosphere and say this or that even before the parties concerned are given a chance to study the inner thoughts of the other side and are seated at a negotiating table.

We do like to remind that it is time for all to approach everything with prudence with self-control and patience.

The fault-finders have to face up to the unanimous demand of the public at home and abroad for the improvement of the north-south relations and for peace on the Korean peninsula and stop the mean act of distorting truth. -0-

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