Tuesday 19 September 2017



The ceremony of the launch of the book IN DEFENCE OF JUCHE KOREA written by Dr Dermot Hudson took place at the meeting organised by the UK Korean Friendship Association and Juche Idea Study Group of England to report back from the trip to People's Korea , to defend People's Korea and to mark the significant September anniversaries of the DPRK such as the day of foundation of the DPRK.
The ceremony took place in the presence of representatives of the DPRK Embassy as well the leadership of the UK Korean Friendship Association , Juche Idea Study Group of England and Association for the Study of Songun Politics

Dr Dermot Hudson explained that the book had written in co operation with the Korean Association of Social Scientists and that he was grateful for the help given by Prof Kim Chang Gyong of KASS .
Dr Hudson explained that he had written the book to refute the extreme hostile propaganda against the DPRK and the Juche which comes from not only journalists but also bourgeois academics .
The book is divided into a number of chapter and sections which include 'People Centred Socialist Country ' and 'south Korea , colony of the US'
The book will be made widely available soon

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