Saturday 28 January 2017

ASSPUK and JISGE on the 14th anniversary of the publication of "The Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era and an Ever-Victorious Banner of Our Revolution."



London 28th of January Juche 106(2017)
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and the Juche Idea Study Group of England issued the following joint statement on the 14th anniversary of the publication of the work
The Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era and an Ever-Victorious Banner of Our Revolution." by the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL;
On the 29th of January 2003 , shortly after the DPRK had announced its withdrawal from the unjust and one-sided “Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty “, the great leader comrade KIM JONG ILpublished the work “ The  Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era and an Ever-Victorious Banner of Our Revolution."This work gives a comphrensive overview of the Songun idea and its application as Songun politics. In the work the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL he glorious history of the Korean revolution that was started and has triumphed under the banner of Songun and comprehensively deals with the essence, features, validity and vitality of the Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea and theoretical and practical issues concerning the politics.
 The work serves as an encyclopedic document giving perfect answers to the issues arising in the struggle to achieve the independence of the popular masses and precious ideological and theoretical guidelines to be always held fast to in building a thriving nation and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche.
Songun is the treasured sword for defending the independence of People's Korea and safeguardingJuche-based socialism. Moreover in the years since the publication of “ The Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era and an Ever-Victorious Banner of Our Revolution” Songun politics is recognised by the world revolutionary as the revolutionary anti-imperialist politics of the 21st century. The publication of the work deal a heavy blow to those opportunist and revisionist forces advocating compromise with imperialism and capitulation.
Therefore on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of this classic work we highly commend it and call for a deep study of it.

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