Sunday 4 December 2016

ASSPUK,JISGE, UK KFA and UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu condemn UK and EU call for more anti-DPRK sanctions

          5th of December Juche 105(2016)
  The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK),the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE),the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu issued a statement condemning the UK and EU for calling for 'additional' and 'independent ' sanctions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea;
   In the wake of the UNSC sanctions resolution  a number of EU member countries have called for the enforcement of the sanctions. The UK has been particularly vociferous in calling for sanctions on the DPRK making absurd statements like "enough is enough".
  Our organisations would like to make the following points in relation to this.
Firstly, the UK and France, both EU members, have carried out more nuclear tests than the DPRK  has. France carried out 210 nuclear tests and the UK carried out 45 nuclear tests. Unlike the DPRK which has only carried out tests on its territory these tests were carried out on the soil of other countries. Secondly, the DPRK nuclear tests were purely defensive measures caused by the the nuclear threat of the US against the DPRK. If the US did not threaten the DPRK with nuclear weapons ,did not occupy the southern part of Korea and did carry military exercises all the time , then the DPRK would not carry out nuclear tests. Indeed the UK, France and the EU seem to have forgotten the DPRK's offer for a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests in return for a cancellation of war exercises.
   As a spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry said on the 4th of December
Nothing is more dastardly and mean action than trying to slap independent sanctions against the DPRK outside the UNSC as the "resolution" of the UNSC this time, in particular, is a product which reflected the balance of forces within it.
    If European countries have independence, they should think and behave according to it"

We say to the UK government and EU "HANDS OFF THE DPRK! No additional sanctions !
UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu

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