Saturday 29 October 2016

No to British Participation in war against the DPRK ! Picket the Mod Whitehall November 3rd 2016

According to official British military statistics 1,000 British soldiers died in Korea during the 1950 Fatherland Liberation War . Of course the real numbers are probably much higher than that. However there was no reason for even 1 British soldier to die in Korea(or indeed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yugoslavia or nothern Ireland ) It was a war that Britain should have kept out . Now the UK government plans to send fighter planes and other aircraft to join anti-DPRK war exercises . There is every danger of a second Korean War in which British forces will be dragged into it, only this time the the casualty rate would be much higher. We urge all friends of the DPRK , anti-imperialists and peace lovers to join our picket on the 3rd of November outside the Mod. If you cannot join it , please write a letter to your Member of Parliament or to the FCO.


organised by UK KFA

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