Thursday 29 September 2016

1st of October Meeting of the ASSPUK and Juche Idea Study Group of England

 The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and Juche Idea Study Group of England invite all Juche Idea and Songun followers in the UK and friends of People's Korea to our meeting on Saturday 1stof October at 2pm (venue details on request from either or or
We will be proudly celebrating the following
  • 71st anniversary of the foundation of the Workers' Party of Korea
  • 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Down With Imperialism Union
  • The DPRK's 5th nuclear test !

additionally a report back from a recent visit to the DPRK  and a presentation on the 50th anniversary of the publication of the work " The Current Situation and tasks of our Party " by the great leader President Kim Il Sung 
Please bring your friends as this is very important meeting -a chance to hear a first hand report back from the DPRK as well celebrating red letter DPRK anniversaries

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