Wednesday 1 June 2016

More lies about the DPRK from Vice magazine

Vice magazine have made an anti-DPRK documentary .It is pretty ridiculous propaganda .Vice, part of the Murdoch media empire (50 per cent )and is probably linked to the CIA It is worth mentioning that in 2014 Vice magazine obtained by interview by deception with the Official KFA Delegate for the UK resulting in his victimisation at work and being forced out of his job . As to the allegations of Vice against the DPRK .It would make no sense for Poland a country that exports labour to import labour from the DPRK. All workers in the DPRK are protected by the Socialist Labour Law of the DPRK. This "documentary" is another vile slur by the imperialists to denigrate the socialist system of the DPRK .One UK KFA Commentator had this to say " I watched the Vice documentary last night and it was full of inaccuracies and distortions, from start to finish. The first lie contained within the programme, was that workers from the DPRK were being employed in Poland for hard currency to help prop up "the Communist Regime". Actually, being paid in the Polish Zolty would not go very far indeed (1 Polish Zolty = 18 UK pence). Secondly, any trade deal or investment from the DPRK into any member country of the European Union, would hit the strict sanctions conditions imposed by Brussels on Socialist Korea. Thirdly, out of all the former socialist countries, Poland is one of the most anti-communist states in Europe, so dealings with the DPRK would be troublesome. Ironically, according to the fabricated reports, the Korean labourers, have been working in the Gdansk Shipyards, which were the base of the Polish counter-revolutionary "Solidarity" during the 1980s. Despite their trendy and hip image, Vice are nothing but the propagandists of the Murdoch Empire, on a crusade against Peoples Korea. Their lies will be exposed by progressive public opinion!!!

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