Wednesday 16 September 2015

Arch of Triumph

The Arch of Triumph was erected in Pyongyang, the capital of the DPRK to convey to eternity the achievements of President Kim Il Sung who defeated the Japanese imperialists and accomplished the historic cause of national liberation.
Located at the foot of Moran Hill, it was unveiled in April Juche 71(1982) to mark the 70th anniversary of birth of President Kim Il Sung.
A 4-tiered magnificent monumental stone edifice, it is 60m high and 52.5m wide on the front and 36.2m wide on the side.
The four sides of the first tier are open by archways 27m high and 18m wide each.
The archway is fringed with 70 azalea relieves symbolizing the 70th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung.
The decoration adds formative, symbolical and artistic grace to the architectural depiction.
Carved in relief on the Arch of Triumph are the immortal revolutionary hymn “Song of General Kim Il Sung” and the dates “1925-1945”, the year when President Kim Il Sung set out on the road of revolution and the year when he returned home in triumph.
The faces of the northern and southern pillars contain the sculptures of the six-figure groups “Long live General Kim Il Sung!”, “Long live the liberation of the country!”, “Looking up to the General” and “For the building of a new country!”.
Today it is visited by not only Korean people but many foreigners of the world.
The Arch of Triumph in a modern yet national style is a monumental structure conveying the immortal exploits of President Kim Il Sung forever.

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