Friday 24 July 2015

From the Archives "On the Aggressive Nature of American Imperialism"- 1977 article of Hyongymyong Chonson organ of CC the of Revolutionary Party for Reunification (AINDF) carried in KCNA of July 28th 1977

On the Aggressive Nature of American Imperialism"

 Pyongyang, 28 Jul (KCNA)—HYONGMYONG CHONSON, organ of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Party for Reunification, on 27 July carried a leading article headlined "On the Aggressive Nature of American Imperialism" on the closing day of the month of the anti-U.S. joint struggle, according to Radio "Voice of the Revolutionary Party for Reunification"on 28 July.
The article said in its preface:
American imperialism, which has subsisted on aggression and fattened on plunder, is now making a pilgrimage in South Korea and all parts of the world, playing a variation of peace and singing a hymn of human rights.
This rare scene which attracts the attention of the world people does not mean that the U.S. imperialists have been reborn into an apostle of peace.
U.S. imperialist is invariably pursuing the policies of aggression and war on the Korean peninsula and in the world.
In South Korea a noisy war dance is being performed to the tune of American-style peace, the reinforcement of combat power is being accelerated behind the smokescreen of U.S. troops pullout and the murderous regime of "yusin" fascism is enshrouded in the confetti of human rights diplomacy.
The United States is drawing double curved lines of antimony on a worldwide scale whereby It contains the revolutionary forces with a conciliatory smile, plunders the resources of the Third World with a handshake of cooperation and gets rid of the rivals under the signboard of alliance.

The United States still refuses to throw away the dagger hidden in its bosom and give up the dream of plunder. The aggressive and predatory nature of U.S. imperialism has not changed at all and will not change.
U.S. imperialism is the general headquarters of aggression and war and the international king of exploitation and plunder.
In its first part, the article exposed the aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism occupying South Korea. The article said: The ulterior intention of U.S. imperialism occupying South Korea is to turn
that part of Korea into its permanent overseas territory in the Far East. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, the legendary hero and sun of Juche,
"Since the first days of their occupation of South Korea, the U.S. imperialists have pursued a policy of military aggression and colonial enslavement. As a result, South Korea has been completely turned into a colony, a military base of the U.S. imperialists."
The U.S. imperialists' policy toward South Korea has consistently been to keep It as a colony and military base. The imperialist aggressive and predatory nature of the United States is
plotted on this strategic coordinates of it . U.S. imperialism disguises its true colour with the mask of "protector" and "helper" of South Korea".
Has the United States really taken off the aggressive uniform and turned into peaceable imperialism and humanitarian imperialism? No! The United States remains an aggressor as ever.
Hidden behind the melody of protection played by the United States are the colonial chains and behind the signboard of aid advertised by it is a dagger of pillage. The U.S. protection is a reversed version of aggressive strategy and its aid is a reversed version of the predatory policy. •
The article continued: The United States places South Korea as ever in the kernel point in its Asian strategy.
The aggressive stratagem of U.S. imperialism on the Korean peninsula is to keep South Korea as a permanent colony and use it as a military stronghold for containing socialist countries. Herein lies the basis of the U.S. imperialists' consistent policy of aggression toward Korea for keeping hold on South Korea as a colony and military base.

For this strategic purpose, the U.S. combines direct military occupation with indirect puppet rule in South Korea and applies a peculiar ruling method incorporating all the viciousness and craftiness of colonialism, old and new.
There is the title of the state, but no sovereignty; there is regime, but no administrative power; there is the ROK Army, but no prerogative of supreme command; and there is a president but no real power in colonial South Korea.
U.S. imperialism is the actual ruler having to itself all the powers of South Korea; and the Republic of Korea is a puppet regime which exists only in name. The countenance of the White House is instantly reflected on the political weather chart of Chongwadae and the instructions of the
U.S. ambassador to South Korea are made public as the policy line of the president. The U.S. economic aid has reduced the South Korean economy to a deformed dependent economy and the ideological and cultural infiltration of the United States is sinking South Korean society into the muddy stream of Yankeenization , the article noted, and went on: The keystone of the U.S. imperialists' colonial policy toward South Korea is the policy of turning it into a military base.
The colonization and militarization policy of the United States assumes a more crafty nature as the crisis at home and abroad grows acute and the power balance turns unfavourable to it. The proposed withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea, which has become of late the focal point of public discourse, cannot be an exception.
If the U.S. troops present in South Korea were withdrawn, though rather belated, it would be a logical conclusion and welcome. But, contrary to the commitments of U.S. President Carter, some political
forces and military quarters of the United States declare that the U.S. ground force in South Korea will be withdrawn phase by phase but the naval and air forces and support units will remain there.
There is a far cry to the immediate withdrawal and the total withdrawal and means that, even after the scheduled troops pullout, combat flying corps of the U.S. Air Force would fly in the air, task force fleets of the U.S. Navy would sail in the sea and U.S. support units, including intelligence, communications and logistics, would strut about on the land of South Korea.
What they do these days indicates that they intend to ship more into South Korea than to withdraw.

The United States is now pressing ahead with the reinforcement of combat power'behind the scene, while crying for withdrawal outwardly.
The United States has already thrown $1.8 billion into the five-year modernization program of the ROK Army and plans to supply military equipment and war industry installations worth thousands of millions of dollars in the second program.
In fiscal 1978 alone, the United States has additionally allocated $270 million in war reserve stockpiles and endorsed additional weapon sale to the tune of $100 million for the Pak regime, plus the military assistance fund, scaled at $280 million, which is equal to that of the previous year.
The United States is forcing upon militarist Japan a share of burden in the aid to South Korea and a military role on the Korean peninsula and is making the U.S.-Japan-South Korea triangular military alliance system system a fait accompli.
The United States claims that the reinforcement of combat power is inevitable to maintain the equilibrium of forces on the Korean peninsula and prepare against the threat of southward aggression.
The threat of southward invasion is a pure fiction like a mirage and a trite pretext for preparing a war.
Behind the proposed troops withdrawal the United States is, in fact, pursuing a superiority in strength, not the equilibrium of forces, and building up the attacking force, not deterrents.
All the movements of the United States surrounding the question of the withdrawal of the U.S. troops stationed in South Korea prove that its policy of aggression on Korea is becoming more intellectualized.
The invariable aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism finds vivid manifestation also in its instigation of the puppets in South Korea to put fresh muscles into the military fascist dictatorship, remarked the article, and went on:
The military fascist dictatorship in South Korea is a typical model of the fascist rule of the imperialists over a colony. Fascism and aggression are inseparable twins. There is fascism where there is aggression, and there is the obliteration of human rights where there is fascist rampage.
In strengthening the fascist rule in South Korea, U.S. imperialism seeks to crush the resisting elements standing in the way of the execution of its policy of aggression and thus get rid of the crisis of their colonial domination which has reached the culminating point, and accelerate the
war preparations at faster pace.

U.S. Secretary of State Vance declared that the United States would not hesitate to stop aid to foreign governments suppressing human rights. But, the pledge yesterday is denied by the action today.
The United States gives a special favour to South Korea, turning a blind eye to the state of human rights there, under the pretext of peculiarity distinguishing it from other countries. It is encouraging the fascist repressive policy of the Pak regime, increasing military aid to South Korea which is charged with a most acute human rights problem in the world.
There are the people, but no civil rights in South Korea now. Only murderous evil laws and prisons have cropped up like so many toadstools in the land where the human rights are strangulated and only the military and police personnel and intelligence agents are roistering and swaggering. If one
demands democratic civil rights, he is arrested without warrant, and if one calls for peaceful reunification, he is taken to prison and gallows.
The United States, peddling a diplomacy of human rights and morality, is patronizing the Pak Chong-hui fascist group notorious for human rights violation. Herein lies its double-faced nature.
The contradictory act of U.S. imperialism which talks about the human rights problem when it is needed for the policy of aggression and ignores it when it is unfavourable, is obviously an open defence and encouragement to the yusin fascist dictatorship of the Pak Chong-hui group.
Pointing out that the aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism is brought into a bolder relief in the "two Koreas" plot, the article said: U.S. imperialism is the very one responsible for national division and a
snag in the way of independent reunification. Fixing division is an inevitable product of the U.S. policy of aggression.
The United States makes the "two Koreas" plot the main point of its Korean peninsula policy in accordance with the American doctrine of divide and rule. Contradictory to its splittist policy, the United States never fails to talk about the reunification of our country and the resumption of the
North-South dialogue.
Tf it is truly interested in the question of our country's reunification, it should create a climate of reunification in Korea and stop interfering in the internal affairs of our nation, but it acts to the contrary. The United States supports in words reunification and North-South dialogue, but in actions encourages the Pak Chong-hui group to division and anticommunist confrontation.
The United States has not implemented even the resolution of the UN General Assembly, whose content is the disbandment of the UN Command, withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea and replacement of the ceasefire agreement with a peace agreement. Worse still, it makes no scruple of resorting to an international plot to realize the simultaneous entry into the United Nations of "two Koreas" and the cross recognition of the North and South in an attempt to internationalize
a permanent division. The double-dealing actions of the United States, which talks about reunification while acting for division, reveal the true colour of the aggressor and splittist.
The article stressed: The United States does not today and will not tomorrow either want the reunification of our country. As long as U.S. imperialism stays in this land, the sufferings of our compatriots cannot be obviated, nor can the desire of the nation for reunification be achieved.
War, fascism and division are all the excrements of the U.S. imperialists' policy of Korean aggression. U.S. imperialism is aggression and war incarnate, the back-stage manipulator
of fascism and the very one who caused national split.

 In its second part, the article, with a sweeping anatomy, exposed that the aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism in seeking world supremacy remains unchanged. The article said: Tt is the consistent coordinates of action of U.S. imperialism to pursue aggression and war, exploitation and plunder on a
worldwide scale. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung the lodestar of human emancipation
and genius of revolution, taught:
"The U.S. authorities are resorting to the double-faced tactics. On the one hand, they employ the tactics of putting up the signboard of 'peace' to fool people while, on the other, working craftily to expand military bases and step up war preparations."
The double-faced tactics is the basic stratagem supporting the world strategy of U.S. imperialism and the main characteristics running through the diplomatic, policy of the United States of America.
U.S. imperialism throws a smile of peace and makes sheep's eyes of reconciliation everywhere in the world. Washington's floral signboards of peace strategy and human rights diplomacy and New York's high-blown advertisements of East-West rapprochement and North-South cooperation are so pompous that they cause giddiness.

A fang of aggression is hidden behind the smile of peace thrown by U.S. imperialism and a tentacle of plunder behind its cry about cooperation. The basic method of the American world strategy is to advocate peace outwardly and step up war preparations behind the scene. The article pointed out: The point is that U.S. imperialism is disturbing peace while clamouring that it defends peace and is seeking a war while pronouncing that it opposes a war.
Amid the ever-louder cry about a guest for peace and preservation of it, the U.S. defence budget has long surpassed the $100 billion mark. The munitions industry, whose reduction was announced, is expanding and overseas bases whose dismantling was proclaimed are being reinforced. The double-dealing tactics of U.S. imperialism in military strategy has given rise to such crafty war method as a war by proxy and a contract war. This old tactics of the Yankee warmongers, making others shed blood and snatching the booties themselves, was stripped bare in the two world wars and a number of local wars including the Middle East wars. Everywhere in the world U.S. imperialism now tries to pit other countries against each other and fish in troubled waters and attaches strategic importance to the three regions—Western Europe, Northeast Asia and the Middle East. These three strategic directions are evidently set against the socialist countries.
U.S. imperialism makes the socialist countries the main target of its war policy. Behind the facade of East-West rapprochement and detente, the offensive posture of U.S. imperialism against the forces of socialism is becoming all the more pronounced with each passing day.
The strategic arms limitation advertised so loudly by the U.S. imperialists is a trick to secure strategic predominance and their human rights diplomacy is, in the final analysis, a political swindle designed to disunite some socialist countries.
However hard the United States may try to veil with a silk cloth of peace, it can never conceal the class basis and reactionary nature of its war policy intended to contain the international revolutionary forces and save the old capitalist economic order.
Pointing out that U.S. imperialism is now directing the spearhead of its aggression to the Third World, the article said: The United States is turning its covetous eyes especially to Africa, which
is blessed with inexhaustible natural resources and limitless potentials.
In its aggression on the Third World, U.S. imperialism combines the splittist and estrangement manoeuvres with the offensive of grace, taking the aggressive honey-and-whip doctrine of colonialism as a favourite maxim. Everywhere on the three continents—the Middle East area and western Sahara, Angola and the Congo plains, Southeast Asia and Pakistan—the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency is sowing the seeds of discord, giving rise to disputes and fostering split. It is nobody's secret that if a conflict breaks out, whether in the Mediterranean or the Indian Ocean, the U.S. Marine Corps and aircraft carriers are immediately rushed and a whole pack of special
agents of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency are secretly dispatched for clandestine activities.
The United States squeezed colossal super-profits by abusing its monopoly of food and weapons. Yet it poses as a benefactor bestowing favours on the Third World.
But with no beautiful label can it conceal the stark fact that the U.S. honey jar contains poison.
The U.S. imperialists' aggressive desire knows no bounds.
Exposing that the United States is running about to penetrate into the developed capitalist states by disguising itself as a friend of the Western allies and subordinate them, the article said: Bumping into a greater resistance, as it penetrates deeper into the Third World, the United States is coming out with a doctrine of three-nation  engines and scheming to form a counterrevolutionary allies of international
This means that the economy of the capitalist world should be pulled by three engines—together with West Germany and Japan, as it can no longer be pulled the U.S. engine single-handed. This sinister scheme of the United States is a reactionary plan to form a Holy American Alliance for preventing the total bankruptcy of modern capitalism, just as the reactionary forces of whole Europe formed the Holy Alliance to preserve the medieval dark society. The United States resorts to the extremely cunning method of administering a dose of medicine after giving a disease in order to rally the Western allies in the Holy Alliance of modern version.
The United States adopts the strategy of occupying an exclusive position in the capitalist world in the fields of food, weapons, petroleum and atomic energy and, with it as a lever, subjugating to itself the developed capitalist states such as Japan and West Germany, pretending to help them.
It uses the multinational corporations, a form of international monopoly, as an important tool of economic infiltration. The multinational corporations under the U.S. control have appeared on the scene as a monster of the 20th century seizing the economic arteries and realizing political
fusion by penetrating into the capitalist industrial states under disguise.
Quite contrary to the deceptive slogan of respect for the allies and consultation and cooperation with them, the United States pursues the policy of weakening the competitive capacity of Western industrial states and using them, and the policy of making them draw the wagon by putting them
to the yoke. With no cunning double-dealing tactics can U.S. imperialism cover its true
U.S. imperialism is the ringleader of aggression and war, the police of the world and the biggest international exploiter, stressed the article. In its third part, the article exposed the seamy side of the double-faced peace strategy of U.S. imperialism. The article said: Today the United States has decked gorgeous ceremony halls of peace strategy in South Korea and the world and is singing the lyrical songs of peace, aid and cooperation, not the military songs of aggression and war. But this does not mean that the aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism has changed. Then why is the United States throwing a smile of peace strategy now? The United States clings to the double-faced peace strategy not because of its mightiness but, on the contrary, of its weakness.
U.S. imperialism is now undergoing the most acute pains ever since it came into being.
The article pointed out that this crisis is manifested in the total bankruptcy of the policy of strength for world supremacy and economic catastrophe. Saying that the crisis proving the weakness of U.S. imperialism finds manifestation particularly in the economic crisis, the article went on: The basic factor of the crisis into which the whole economy of the United States has been driven lies, above all, in the policy of its aggression for world supremacy and the suicidal arms race and militarization of
economy attending it. The lopsided expansion of war industry has considerably weakened the
international competitive capacity of the U.S. economy, depriving it of its old dominant position in the capitalist world. The U.S. economic hegemony is crumbling in the fierce trade war and currency war among the capitalist industrial states including Japan and West Germany.

At present the United States finds it beyond its power to dominate the world singlehanded and also finds it difficult to gain superiority in military power due to its economic depression, the article said, and continued: This makes the United States employ the double-dealing tactics to gain time
and prepare for a new war on the one hand and to split and disorganise other countries on the other.
The double-dealing tactics of the U.S. imperialists is, so to speak, the habitual method of dangling mutton to sell dog meat. In other words, it is like putting up the signboard of pork to sell the flesh of dog and, if this fails, putting up the signboard of beef.
The aggressive and predatory nature of U.S. imperialism has not changed in the least. If there is any change, it is not the aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism but its tactics for world domination.
The aggression and plunder are the basic way  of existence, means of existence and property of imperialism. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, the great master of thought and
theory, has taught: "The imperialists... make aggression and war their regular business, their basic means of existence."
Imperialism is a system of aggression and war and a system of unlimited exploitation and plunder.
Accordingly, as one cannot talk about imperialism apart from exploitation and plunder, so he cannot think of imperialism which knows no aggression and war. If there is an imperialism without aggression and plunder, it will no longer be imperialistic. The article continued: All these arguments about imperialism are scientific and realistic. Is it not a truth that the aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism cannot change? Those who deny this truth of history are only the imperialists and their
servants. Noting that, in particular, the aggressive history of U.S. imperialism, the chieftain of modern imperialism, is a history of bloodshed and a history of blood-sucking filled with most vicious crime of the crimes recorded in human history, the article went on to say: On the globe, not a day has passed without the flames of war being kindled by the U.S. imperialists and not an hour has passed without guiltness people shedding blood.
U.S. imperialism is the truculent international gendarme and the ringleader of aggression and war.
The aggressive nature of U.S. imperialism can and will not change. U.S. imperialism will exploit, oppress and plunder mankind till its death.
In the last part the article said: As long as there exists U.S. imperialism, our nation and mankind cannot live in peace even a single day.
There is no reason or pretext whatsoever for U.S. imperialists to stay on in South Korea. The U.S. troops occupying South Korea must withdraw from there immediately and totally. The imperialists will not give up their aggressive ambition of their own accord nor will they retreat submissively from their position of aggression. To harbour an illusion about imperialism means slavish submission, selfdeception and death.
At present the ant-U.S. struggle is a supreme task devolved upon mankind and its common duty. The peoples of all countries should form an anti-imperialist united front and resolutely take the ant'i-U.S. joint action, pooling their strength. The decline and fall of U.S. imperialism is an inexorable law and inevitability of history. Neither the White House nor the Pentagon has strength or magical prescription to save the American empire from this road to the grave.
In conclusion the article stressed: The Revolutionary Party for Reunification and the South Korean people who are advancing, holding high the revolutionary banner of ever-victorious great Juche idea, will clear our fatherland of the U.S. forces of aggression and achieve the national historic cause of
independent and peaceful reunification

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