Friday 5 December 2014

UK KFA statement on the 3rd anniversary of the passing away of the great leader chairman KIM JONG IL

                London 5th December 2014

       The UK Korean Friendship Association (UK KFA) issued the following statement about the 3rd anniversary of the passing away of the great leader chairman
 We remember the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL as he developed the Juche Idea in depth and put forward Songun politics, the treasured sword for defending the sovereignty of People’s Korea and the epitome of revolutionary anti-imperialist politics. He was the loyal successor to the great leader President KIM IL SUNG
The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL
was the true people’s leader. The words 'people’s leader ' and 'dear leader '(as the Korean people started to call Kim Jong Il in the early 1970s) have an especially deep meaning. In the capitalist countries of the West a leader is just a politician who sits in an office all day or talks meaningless rubbish in an assembly or parliament. Such leaders are remote from the people.  However the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL was always amongst the people. As a student comrade KIM JONG IL  worked on construction sites in Pyongyang and also in a textile machinery factory . In the capitalist societies it would be inconceivable for the son of a leader of the nation to be working at a construction site or indeed for someone who had worked in  factory or at building site to become the leader of the country, in the West power is only reserved for the privileged and the plutocracy .
The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL   put the living standards of the Korean people first .He said that they should make a flower bloom  on the rock if it was for the people. He made long journeys to give guidance to local units , fully practising the Chongsan Ri method of the great leader President Kim Il Sung (the Chongsan ri method is the method of work of the Workers’ Party of Korea whereby the superior always goes down to the lower units and mixes with the masses).  Rain, snow or sunshine , leader KIM JONG IL gave on the spot guidance. In the period of the "Arduous March" and "forced march" which lasted from September 1994 to December 1999 comrade Kim Jong Il gave on the spot guidance 247 times covering a distance of 129,000 km .  The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL dressed in a simple Parka which  he kept The only parka he wore from the days of the "Arduous March" to the last days of his life is vivid evidence showing what a thorny path he had to traverse with patriotic devotion to defend his socialist country. for many years. As dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN wrote
The only parka he wore from the days of the "Arduous March" to the last days of his life is vivid evidence showing what a thorny path he had to traverse with patriotic devotion to defend his socialist country.
The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL  passed away whilst on a trip to give on-the spot-guidance.  He could have retired and had an easy life but instead chose to carry on working in order to improve life for the people and to complete the Juche revolutionary cause.
The Songun (Army-first) policy based on the Songun Idea which was  pioneered by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG  made it possible  to defend Korean-style socialism and the great gains of the Korean people as well their independent and creative lives. Songun is essentially a people-orientated policy  It was thanks  to the Songun leadership of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL, supreme commander of the KPA, that the outbreak of war on the Korean peninsula was prevented. This also made a vital contribution to world peace .It was the Songun politics of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL  that led to breakthrough in the struggle for national reunification opening up the June 15 era based on “By Our Nation Itself”. National reunification is the cherished wish of the entire Korean people north and south and overseas.
The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL had devoted his entire life for the people and everything he did  whether it was in the work of defending the country or improving living standards or in working for reunification was done for the people . Because of this the Korean people revere him . We in UK KFA recall the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL as the true people’s leader and a great leader.
Today dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is following in the footsteps of the  great leaders KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG Il and devoting himself to the people.


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