Thursday 6 November 2014

DPRK Does not need the World Bank!

So the World Bank is calling for the DPRK to "open up" even though the DPRK is not a member of the World Bank !

The DPRK does not need "open up " nor does it need advice from the World Bank which has been responsible for wrecking the economies of many countries.  Those countries that joined the World Bank and accepted "aid " from it were forced to impose 'austerity ' , cut expenditure , raise prices , drive down living standards of the people and causing mass unemployment . The people of the DPRK do not need this. It is a good thing and not a bad thing that the DPRK does not belong to the World Bank or IMF !

The DPRK is proud to have a self-reliant independent national economy based on the Juche Idea .  This has enabled the DPRK to make great achievements in the economic sphere and for it to stand on its own two feet economically. During the period of the first Five Year Plan between 1957 and 1960 industrial output value increased by 36% per year and during the period of socialist industrialisation  between 1957 and 1970 the annual growth in industrial output value was 19.1% . In the 1970s the
DPRK economy grew at a rate of 16.3 % per year . Today the DPRK's independent economy can make anything from a wristwatch to a space rocket !. This shows the vitality of Juche and the validity of the line of the independent national economy and self-reliance. The World Bank is not needed in the DPRK !

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