Friday 25 July 2014

Time and Work

Leader Kim Jong Il worked energetically throughout his life only for the country and people, doing work for a month in a day and work for a year in a month.
One day an official went to his office to make an important report.
The moment he entered his office, the official stepped short.
Kim Jong Il was attentively examining a document at his desk, touching it up now and then, with a tape recorder playing beside him.
The official stood still by the door for fear that he would interrupt him.
Without taking his eyes off the document, Kim Jong Il asked why the official was standing there and urged him to report his work.
While reading the document and hearing a music played by a tape recorder, Kim Jong Il detected every erroneous point in the report and rectified it.
After a little while he turned off the tape recorder and called up an official.
He said that he had heard the new song two or three times to find the works good and the music peculiar, adding that it would be better for a certain singer of a certain art troupe to sing it.
He rang off and wrote in a vigorous stroke some of his opinions on the upper part of the front cover of the draft of the document and put his signature.
After hearing out the official, he gave some of his opinions and unfolded another document on his desk.
Like this, Kim Jong Il devoted all his life for the prosperity of the country and the welfare of people with quite different time and manner of work from others.

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