Sunday 4 March 2012

Brazilians reject U.S. military maneuvers in Korea

Brazilians reject U.S. military maneuvers in Korea

The Brazilian Committee of Solidarity with the People's Republic of Korea hereby express their opposition to the maneuvers "Key Resolve" and "Foal Eagle", currently performed by military personnel Americans and South Koreans to South Korea.
These maneuvers are a continuation of U.S. military attacks started against DPR Korea on June 25, 1950, beginning the Korean War, when the imperialists coldly murdered one in every three Koreans, wiping out one third of the population. It was one of the biggest massacres in human history, and U.S. imperialism continues its trajectory of criminal attempt to submit their criminal purposes Korea, currently supported by the traitor Lee Myung Bak, who puts part of the people themselves at the service of the enemy, so venal and cowardly.
The military exercises now under way are the unequivocal proof that the UN are puppets of U.S. imperialism, and are at the service of domination and exploitation of people. There was dignity and honor at the UN, these maneuvers would be repudiated and condemned, because they endanger the fragile peace in the region.
Adding more fuel to the fire of spurious interests of imperialism, military mercenaries Lee Myung Bak are painting offensive words in the city of Inchon against the Great Men of Mount Paektu, causing a real hysteria irresponsible and unacceptable for the sole purpose of stimulating confrontation war.
The Supreme Commander of the Army of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Jong A, protested and said that "insults and slanders made openly against the dignity of the maximum RPD Korea are taking about to unleash a war."
In this sense, the Brazilian Committee of Solidarity with Democratic People's Republic of Korea strongly condemns the criminal maneuvers underway in South Korea, because they are provocative, like the offenses carried out in the city of Inchon, revealing that the government Lee Myung Bak is nothing but a traitor in the service of humanity's greatest enemies: the North American imperialism.

Curitiba, March 1, 2012

José Gil de Almeida
President of the Brazilian Committee of Solidarity with DPR Korea

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