Sunday 29 January 2012

DPRK media marks anniversary of "The Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era "

Songun Politics Guarantees Victorious Advance of Socialism
Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- January 29 marks the 9th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "The Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era and an Ever-victorious Banner of Our Revolution."
The work comprehensively clarifies the idea and theory of Songun (military-first) politics greatly significant in accomplishing the cause of Juche-based socialism and the cause of human independence.
In the work, the leader expounded the essence, nature and great vitality of the Songun revolutionary leadership and Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea. He also gave tasks to put the Juche-based revolutionary cause on a new stage under the Songun leadership.
He said the Songun politics, based on President Kim Il Sung's idea and line of attaching importance to the military affairs, fully reflects the requirements of the times and developing revolution. He also said the politics is a socialist political mode based on a proper settlement of the issue of the driving force of revolution and dignified Juche-oriented politics.
The long history of the Korean revolution includes two revolutionary wars against powerful imperialists, two-stage social revolution and the struggle for protecting the socialist nation's dignity and sovereignty from the imperialists' moves to stifle it.
The DPRK has always emerged victorious because it has adhered to the principle of Songun.
Experience gained from practice goes to prove that the Songun politics provides definite guarantee for a victorious advance of the socialist cause.
The work inspires the Korean people with a strong will to remain faithful to the Songun-based revolution guided by the dear respected Kim Jong Un. -0-

Rodong Sinmun on Kim Jong Il′s Exploits in Leading Songun Revolution
Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- DPRK major paper Rodong Sinmun Sunday dedicates an article to the 9th anniversary of the publication of leader Kim Jong Il's work "The Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era and an Ever-Victorious Banner of Our Revolution".
The work, published on Jan. 29, 2003, comprehensively deals with the essential character of the Songun revolutionary line, Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea and its validity and invincibility.
The exploits performed by Kim Jong Il in steering the Songun revolution serve as an eternal treasure of the Korean revolution and a driving force encouraging Kim Il Sung's nation, Kim Jong Il's Korea to bring a rosy future, the article says, and goes on:
The immortal leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il lie in that he developed in depth the Songun idea of the WPK, thus providing an all-powerful treasured sword for victoriously advancing the revolutionary cause of Juche.
Kim Jong Il's Songun politics provides a sure guarantee for winning one victory after another in defending socialism by drastically augmenting the politico-ideological and military strength of the People's Army.
Thanks to his clairvoyant wisdom and outstanding leadership, the driving force of the revolution with the army as a pillar has grown remarkably stronger and the unity of the ranks of the Songun revolution has become more unbreakable than ever before.
It is the immortal Songun revolutionary exploits of Kim Jong Il that he laid a solid foundation for winning victory in building a thriving nation by raising the army's role as a pioneer.
His Songun leadership was the main source of strength that made it possible to get the revolutionary spirit and militant stamina of the People's Army prevailed in the whole society and encouraged the people to bring about a big leap forward and dramatic changes in building a thriving nation.
Thanks to the leadership of another brilliant Songun commander the dear respected Kim Jong Un, identical to Kim Jong Il, the future of the DPRK is in safe hands and the revolutionary cause of Juche is sure to triumph, concludes the article. -0

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